Type - Type of Computer Virus And How To Overcome It

    Type - Type of Computer Virus And How To Overcome It

    Macro viruses

    Having the ability to infect macro files such as .doc, .xls, .mdb Pps and. In addition, this type of virus will infect an email containing the document.
    Location: via email and the Internet.
    How to cope by avoiding open unknown emails and also disable macro program.

    Boot sector viruses

    Is a type of virus that infects the smallest Baian in a hard drive called the boot sector. Location hiding in the floppy disk. So that when the system is running he could move kemama-where to take action to infection. Example: Polyboot.B, Anti EXE.
    The most powerful way to overcome that is to make sure the floppy disk in the write-protected position.

    Overwrite viruses

    The virus that has the ability to remove the infected files or data without changing the size of the file. So we are not going to feel suspicious about its existence. Example: Way, Trj.Reboot, Trivial.88.D.
    The only way to overcome that is to remove the infected files.

    Direct action viruses

    Viruses that infect duties AUTOXEC BAT file types. Which is located on the hard drive directory. This type will be in action when the operating system starts. This strain has the ability to infect external devices such as external hard drives and flash. Example Vienna.
    Location: generally are in the HDD. But also has the ability to move.
    The fix is ​​to install an antivirus scan.


    That is the type of virus that is created with the aim to control and steal data that is in the computer. In essence, the trojan is not a virus, but because it is considered to be quite disturbing, then the group breaks into a computer virus that needs to be wary of.
    The main deployment location that is connected to the internet access, such as email and personal data dipassword.
    To overcome this problem by using a special antivirus untu trojans, such as Trojans and Trojan remover hunter.


    That is a program that can copy itself. In general, a worm does not meninfeksi virus, but a dangerous thing: the ability to multiply themselves are so fast that if the computer is attacked in a long time, can cause brittleness of the system. Because the data in memory and hard drive to be great.
    Location spread via email and the Internet. As for the use of antiviral Iasa could overcome. If using antivirus pro even more optimal results.

    Memory Resident viruses

    That is the type of virus that infects RAM. Of course the location is in the computer's memory. This virus will be active when the operating system starts up. With its own code, this type of virus will disrupt the process pamanggilan program should run normally. The effects are lemotnya a system.
    How to protect by using antivirus and update periodically.
    Web scripting viruses
    That is a complex program code that serves to enhance the content of a website. Well ... this is the code that is typically used to interrupt the program with a specific purpose. Example: JS. Fortnight
    The location is connected to the internet, especially email.
    For the protection system can be done with the default Windows install Microsoft tool. Perform regular scans using this application.

    Multipartite virus

    Is a type of virus that consists of files to infect a particular operating system. Hiding location that is in RAM, then it will infect the hard drive at a later stage. Samples: invader, flip and tequila.
    The fix is ​​to clean out any bad sectors and do disk defragmenter (if using windows OS).
    FAT virus
    FAT stands for File Allocation Table. That is the type of virus that is created with the purpose to destroy files in a specific location. Usually hiding in a personal data storage. The effect is the ability to hide our important files, making it difficult to detect and will seem to disappear.
    Prevention: observe and note the data stored in the hard drive. If we suspect files that never we do to save it, meaning it is FAT virus.

    Companion virus

    A virus to interfere with personal data. Beada location on the hard drive. But mempunyaiciri berbeda.Contoh extensions that we have the file extension me.exe, the virus made another extension me.com.
    The location in the hard drive, usually gathered with the new file.
    Prevention: install antivirus scan and also download the firewall.

    Polymorpic virus

    Is a type of virus that has the ability to encode themselves in different ways depending on the time of infecting the system. Example: Marburg, Tuareg and elken.
    The way to prevent that is to install antivirus high end.

    Directory viruses

    Is a type of virus that menginifeksi file with the extension .exe or .com, and then move it. So that when the file is called to run, it will automatically be in action for the virus to infect other systems.
    The location is in the hard drive and potential to disrupt all programs. Examples Dir virus-2.
    Handling: format and reinstall all the programs and operating systems.